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Conservation Meeting Minutes 02/07/13

 Conservation Commission
Sharon Community Center
         February 7, 2013

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Keevin Geller, and Elizabeth McGrath were the members present. Commission Members, Christine Turnbull and Linda Orel, were absent from the meeting.
Stephen Cremer arrived at 7:55 p.m. The Conservation Administrator, Greg Meister, was also present.

7:45 p.m. RDA public hearing filed by the Salvation Army for the proposed installation of a foundation beneath the existing chapel at Camp Wonderland, 186 Massapoag Ave.

Peg opened the hearing in the absence of the Applicant. Peg explained to the members of the Commission that the Applicant is still compiling information for the proposed project and requested a hearing continuance with the Commission.  
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until a date set by the Applicant.
Keevin Geller moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 4-0-0. Unanimous.

Stephen Cremer arrived at this time
7:55 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the January 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes as presented.
Elizabeth McGrath moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.

8:00 p.m. Old/New Business:

Peg recused herself from the following discussion as she is the neighboring property owner of the
Sharon Fish & Game Club.
Hank Langstroth, Acting Chairman, officiated the meeting at this point.
Hank Langstroth explained to the members of the Commission that a representative from the
Sharon Fish & Game Club, Kevin Reid, is present to discuss replacing a broken water line on the site.
Kevin Reid introduced himself to the Commission as the House and Grounds Chairman of the Sharon Fish & Game Club. He discussed replacing the existing water line to the Sharon Fish & Game Club with the members of the Commission as follows:
The existing ¾” copper water line presently enters the property off East Street and connects to the main club house.  In 1970 the existing water line was installed following the restoration of the main club house from a previous fire. The existing water line travels within the old access road to the club and is in close proximity to the existing pond on the site. The club is without any water at the present time. The town has turned the water off from the street. The existing water line has been repaired from previous breaks and the town is reluctant to go forward with new repairs because the water line often leaks. The members of the club are seeking to move forward as soon as possible to remove the existing water line and replace it with a new 1” poly water line.  The direction of the trench for the new water line will follow the path of the original water line. The depth of the trench for the new water line will be approximately 5-6 feet. A small backhoe is being proposed to perform the excavation work.
The Conservation Administrator, Greg Meister, explained to the members of the Commission that he inspected the proposed project site and suggested that a WPA Emergency Certification Form be submitted to DEP for the proposed work.
It was the consensus of the Commission to approve the proposed work and requested that the Conservation Administrator perform an inspection upon completion of the work.
Hank Langstroth called for a motion for the Commission to approve the emergency repair work as presented and to issue a WPA Emergency Certification Form to the Sharon Fish & Game Club.
Stephen Cremer moved. Keevin Geller seconded. Voted. 4-0-0.    
Following the motion made by the Commission, the attending members signed the WPA Emergency Certification Form.

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Peg returned to the meeting at this point and officiated the meeting

- Annual Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee:

Peg explained to the Commission that she and Keevin Geller both recently attended the Annual Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee Meeting to review updates and goals for the Town Of Sharon’s Open Space and Recreation Plan. The members of the Open Space and Recreation Planning Committee in attendance at the meeting included the new Recreation Director, Amanda Deni Levasseur, along with Gary Bluestein, the new Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Committee. Amanda reviewed updates of the Recreation Department‘s work performed on the Everwood Project.
Peg explained to the Commission that April Forsman from the DPW is preparing a spreadsheet listing all of the information pertaining to the goals for the Open Space and Recreation Plan. April will send a copy of the spreadsheet to the office of the Commission when the spreadsheet is completed.

- Commission’s proposed FY-14 Expense Budget:

Peg and Greg recently met with the Finance Commission to review the Commission’s FY’14 Expense Budget. The Finance Commission is still in the process of reviewing the budget.

- Update: 121 Lakeview Street

The Conservation Administrator, Greg Meister, explained to the Commission that the proposed
Day Care Center at 121 Lakeview Street may need additional parking spaces as they are considering a higher enrollment. Greg said that the Town Engineer, Peter O’Cain, sketched an area to accommodate fourteen additional parking spaces, if needed. The area is comprised of approximately 5,000 square feet, and lies outside of the 100’ Buffer Zone of the site.
The members of the Commission indicated that drainage and paving may be a concern of the Commission if any modifications of the parking area are considered in the future.

-Commission Appointee to the CPC:

The Commission discussed recommending Keevin Geller to serve as Peg Arguimbau’s replacement on the CPC.
Keevin Geller expressed his interest in serving as Peg’s replacement on the CPC.
Peg called for a motion to appoint Keevin Geller to represent the Commission on the CPC.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 5-0-0. Unanimous.

8:25 p.m. Signatures:
The Commission signed bills.

 8:30 p.m. Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. 5-0-0. Unanimous.